Adelaide International Kite Festival
Corner Esplanade and Semaphore Road, Semaphore, South Australia
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The Adelaide International Kite Festival (The Festival) is a free community event that is held annually at Semaphore Beach in South Australia. The Festival was established in 1997 by members of the Adelaide Kite Flyers Association. The event attracts amazing kites and kite flyers from around Australia and the world to put on a show of great diversity. It has grown to become one of the largest kite festivals in the Southern Hemisphere.
International guests and local kite flyers have a large collection of hand-made display, stunt and mpower kites, which will be flown over the course of the weekend. Display kites range from small traditional designs including box kites, to enormous inflatable animals such as the 6m frog and the 8m orca. The public can get involved in kite-making workshops run by TJ’s Amusements, visit the Festival marketplace, fly their own kites or just enjoy the spectacle of hundreds of kites of all shapes and sizes.
Advertised flying times are 11am to 5pm each day, weather permitting.
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