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Fairy Magic Dance Workshop (3-5yrs)


  • Thu 17 Jan 2019, 9:30am–11:00am


All Ages

Contact organiser

Kelly's Dance Academy

**Fairy Magic Dance Workshop**
For any dance and fairy enthusiast between the ages of 3-5yrs old.
This workshop will take your aspiring dancer on an exciting journey as we explore classical ballet and dance through a magical fairy land.
Children will be exposed to an array of fairy inspired music, experience a Ballet class and learn to move gracefully and magically like their favourite fairy.

The morning workshop will consist of:

- Ballet, dance and movement sessions
- Arts and Crafts
- Music
- Making friends
- Learning the magic of Ballet in a studio

The workshop is led by a qualified dance teacher and children's early years professional. Parents are welcome to stay at the workshop, younger siblings must be supervised at all times. Fairy costumes are most welcome!

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