Wswa Annual Awards Exhibition
1 City Farm Place, East Perth, Western AustraliaTicket Information
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The Watercolour Society Annual Awards Exhibition is at its heart a chance for Artist from the Society to showcase their work to the general public and attain recognition by prizes awarded by the judges. The paintings will be judged by categories.
The 2024 special category is Sustainability. Artists are encouraged to promote, through their paintings, ideas of sustainability. It is hoped that attendees will take away from the exhibition thoughts and ideas of how they can change their behaviour to assist in desired change. This event is accessible to all and is free to attendees. With the exhibition at the core we will deliver multiple activations to appeal to different groups of people over the four days.
These will include:
• A social 'Plein Air' event before the exhibition to promote the event. This is to "paint in the open Air' open to anyone who wishes to come. No costs but possibility of 'coffee and cake' deal with local business.
• Opening night Thursday 5th Sept 6.30-9.00pm Opened by Jo Trilling of ABC Radio, 150 can participate by registering for this free event.
• A "Have a Go Table" The opportunities for the general public to participate using the watercolours to experiment with colour, experience different types of paper and watch how watercolour paint works with water. Available most days subject to volunteers being available.
• Artist talks and demos. Artists will be demonstrating and discussing their painting with the public during the exhibition subject to volunteers being available.
• Sustainability Saturday event in conjunction with the City Farm Farmers Market. We are to set up still life drawing /painting opportunities using the Farms produce to encourage all to have go. This historic (we have been running for 44 years) and vibrant event will bring in another demographic into City Farm. Artists and attendees from many suburbs and country areas will visit the area to view the art, paint and will see what City Farm has to offer, especially their collection of extensive education and information on sustainable practices. Perth City Farm, which is a non-profit community environmental centre, will also contribute to this learning by providing opportunities for the general public to view their work. Attendees will have the opportunity to walk around the gardens, study the recycling centre and speak to volunteers and staff about their initiatives which build community connections, educates and enables people to live sustainably.
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