Herbie Hancock Australian Tour
Cnr Grey St and Melbourne Street, South Brisbane, QueenslandRestrictions
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One of the most revered and controversial figures in jazz, the innovative and influential living jazz legend, Herbie Hancock is hitting Aussie roads this June. He will be joined by a line-up featuring long-time band member, guitarist Lionel Loueke, Brooklyn-based bassist James Genus and virtuoso drummer Vinnie Colaiuta.
Herbie Hancock is a true icon of modern music. Having teared up limitations and genres with his unmistakable voice, his illustrious career—now spanning into its sixth decade—has seen the master of jazz claim a staggering 14 Grammy ® Awards including "Album of the Year" and a Lifetime Achievement, an Academy Award for his 'Round Midnight' score, a Kennedy Centre Honours Award, five MTV Video Awards and six honorary doctorates. It is without a doubt that throughout Herbie Hancock’s career, he has been a driving force of influence, an innovator at the forefront of culture, technology, business and music for more than 50 years.
Presented by Live Nation.
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