Sharon Van Etten
Cnr Grey St and Melbourne Street, South Brisbane, QueenslandRestrictions
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Sharon Van Etten World Tour heads to QPAC.
Acclaimed US singer-songwriter Sharon Van Etten is adding Australia to her World Tour following the release of her fifth full-length album, Remind Me Tomorrow. Touring with her five-piece band, Van Etten returns to Australia after myriad endeavours such as guest starring in Netflix series The OA and David Lynch’s revival of Twin Peaks.
Recently released to rave reviews, Remind Me Tomorrow veers towards the driving, dark glimmer moods that have illuminated the edges of Van Etten’s music and pursues them full force. The breadth of her passions (musical, emotional and otherwise), of new careers and projects and lifelong roles, have inflected this album with a sense of warped-time perspective. It reckons with the life that gets lived when you put off the small and inevitable maintenance in favour of something more present.
Expect an honest and subtle approach to love and longing, with an upbeat energy that offers an unexpected gift to Van Etten’s celebrated minimal-meditative sound.
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