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Australian Franchise Conference & Gala Awards Night

Ticket Information

  • Delegate: $145.00 each
  • Additional fees may apply


  • Wed 13 Sep 2023, 11:00am–5:30pm


All Ages


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We are excited to announce the FranchisingWA Australian Franchise Conference 2023 will be held on Wednesday 13th September 2023 in sunny Perth, Western Australia.

Our theme this year is ‘Franchising Renaissance’.The French word, Renaissance, means Rebirth. Drawing inspiration from this pivotal time in history, we will explore the future of Franchising in this new era of rebirth.

We will discover how to ‘Connect. Grow. and Reset.’, embracing where You may be on this journey in building a more sustainable franchise business.

Is it time to connect or re-connect with the people around us? After all, our people are the most important ingredient in our business that enables us to grow.

How do businesses reset in the midst of so much change? Does today’s version of success look different than before? What are successful brands doing to re-build their system and become top of their sector?

Following the conference, we will be hosting our FranchisingWA Gala Awards Night. The Gala Awards Night is a culmination of our 2023 Industry Awards wherein we will announce the winners and celebrate their success over a 2-course meal, live music and dancing.

Let’s share this journey through the FranchisingWA Australian Franchise Conference 2023 and Gala Awards Night to each take home gems of information and recognise outstanding achievement for those in the WA franchising community.

We have a fantastic program aimed at not only educating but networking with the Australian Franchising Community.

I look forward to catching up with you there!!

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