M.I.A Missing in Action
118 Elgin Street, Carlton, Victoria
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M.I.A entails a story of two best friends who are so in love but are horrified to admit it. But this is not the typical cliche love story. Let’s add some camp and make it feel like a psychedelic trip. This crazy, fun, original play explores identity, Queerness and coming to terms with falling in love with a best friend. The story unravels Ally’s goofy experience with sexuality and relationships all discussed with her sex therapist Lindsey. There is one issue. Mya, Ally’s best friend and secret crush is moving away for six months, and Ally’s sex therapist is quite magical, maybe too magical and seductive. Mya’s return is approaching, Ally doesn't know what will happen between the two of them, but maybe Lindsey the sex therapist will help? Or not?
This show contains:
Flashing lights; coarse language; sexual references; partial nudity; simulated alcohol consumption; homophobic language; sexual themes
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