Looking to buy tickets? Visit the Eventfinda website here.

Buy Now, Pay Later with Laybuy

Anyone ticketing their event with Eventfinda can offer the Laybuy option

New events are automatically opted-in to Laybuy

It's easy to appeal to more New Zealanders by offering payment flexibility with Kiwi Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL) provider Laybuy. You don't need to do anything, new Eventfinda ticketed events automatically have the Laybuy option selected

What is Laybuy?

Laybuy allows your ticketholders to spread the cost of their purchase over six weeks, interest-free. They simply select the Laybuy option during the purchase process. Then create their account in a few minutes*

*To apply, they need to have a debit or credit card, be over 18 years of age, have a Australian passport or driver’s licence and be living in Australia

Edit your settings

The small Laybuy transaction fee is charged to ticketholders by default. You can edit options and who pays fees in Event Settings

If you have an existing event, you can enable Laybuy in your event’s settings at any time.


Go to Mange Event – Event Details – Settings and toggle yes or no on your preferred options.

You're all set up but if you'd like further information about Laybuy, visit www.laybuy.com.

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09 365 2342
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