Gasworks Arts Park - Studio Theatre

Suitable for Ages
The Studio Theatre is an intimate performance space with floorboards and flat rows of moveable seating for up to 60 patrons. It has an industrial ambience and is ideal for a variety of uses including workshops, small productions, seminars, demonstrations, dance classes, rehearsals, readings or as a green room in conjunction with theatre hire.
Floor-level seating may be placed in any configuration in the space, and raked rostra may be hired to create a seating bank.
All theatre hirers receive a marketing kit as part of their hire fee which includes a step-by-step guide to selling your production.
During Melbourne’s major festivals (including the Midsumma Festival , Melbourne International Comedy Festival and the Melbourne Fringe Festival), Gasworks partners with theatre hirers to produce a season.
Past events at Gasworks Arts Park - Studio Theatre
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